Laptop Mockup showing runbuk website

Botanic Horizon

UI/UX Design
Boxom GmbH
06.2022 - 07.2022
Vertikale Hydrokultur - 3d-Rendering
Detail in der Hydrokultur - 3D-Rendering

Botanic Horizon is developing a vertical planting system that makes it possible to grow grass, herbs, flowers, and even vegetables and lettuce in strings. The seeds are enclosed in the fabric, and the roots grow in and around it to provide the necessary support. Growth is accelerated by a nutrient solution that seeps through the cords from above.


Since 2021, I have been helping Botanic Horizon visualize planned products with 3D rendering and animation to illustrate the potential of their product for various use cases.


I have also developed a minimalistic Webflow website for the company. The redesigned website features a clean design that highlights the green and lush appearance of the plants grown with the system.


Seit 2021 unterstĂŒtzt uns Jacob dabei, unsere Produkte visuell zu prĂ€sentieren und unseren Onlineauftritt zu gestalten. Sein kreativer Einsatz spielt eine entscheidende Rolle in der Entwicklung unserer Produktpalette und der StĂ€rkung unseres Marketings. Jacob verleiht unserer Unternehmensvision durch seine Passion nicht nur Ausdruck, sondern auch eine greifbare PrĂ€senz. Seine einzigartigen FĂ€higkeiten schaffen nicht nur Ă€sthetische Darstellungen, sondern erzĂ€hlen auch kraftvolle Geschichten, die unsere Kunden ansprechen.

Niklas Weisel

Botanic Horizon
Laptop Mockup showing runbuk website
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